Saturday, February 6, 2016

[Summer in Grenoble] Kebab is Love, Kebab is Life ~!?

The original plan was to post all of the bigger events and then post smaller things
This weekend, however, due to time constraints, I had no choice but to post shorter posts instead.

One of the foods that I really had a lot of while I was in France in the summer of 2015, was Kebabs.

This (Le Sesame) was one of the Kebab places I went to with some of my friends.
It was, of course, located in that 'Notre Dame Musee' station area.

One of the weirdest thing I came to notice while I was in grenoble was the fact that it was much easier to find Kebab places rather than what would count as a "French Restaurant."

Anyways, Kebab places typically look like this on the inside.
Le Sesame was one of the relatively larger and cleaner places. Not to mention it was also the place with a fairly diverse menu.

Kebab places seem to typically sell burgers, sandwiches, kebabs, and tacos (no this is not the Mexican tacos you're familiar with).

With some of my newly-made friends in Grenoble, I came to eat at the Kebab restaurant.

While you do have many options to choose from, I personally prefer to order Kebabs no matter what.
I once ordered a burger-like sandwich at some other place, but it wasn't as good or unique tasting as the kebabs, and besides, kebabs are real Turkish food, right?

It's not that other stuff are bad, it's just that Kebabs are less likely to fail (by "fail," I meant "taste bad.")

One of my friends told me that they normally use chicken or lamb meat in Kebabs, which I was very surprised to find out. I remember when I was little, I was deeply traumatized by the stench lamb meats had. However, the meat in the Kebabs I had in France never had any kind of bad stench that I could not stand!
Maybe it all depends on the style of cooking
or it's just that I always got chicken meat instead of lamb meat in my kebabs.

Anyway, Kebab is one of the foods that I most frequently had while I was in France.
I had one on the day I arrived to Grenoble, several times while I was in Grenoble, once while I was at Nimes, and once while I was in Paris.

Kebabs are very cheap, very filling, and always decent in taste at the least.
Kebab is Love, Kebab is Life!

I really miss those kebabs, I really do.

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