Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hair Donation to 'Korean Association for Children with Leukemia and Cancer (KACLC)'

2014 Winter Break,
I have done something very meaningful.

I've donated my hair!!

This is what the hair donation page of the KACLC looks like.

As soon as I escaped the wretched garbage dump called the "Korean Secondary Schools," where human rights was no where to be found,
I've started growing my hair.
I wasn't really planning on growing my hair below my shoulders due to my personal preferences,
and then I saw one of my fellow blogger's post about his hair donation.
and that's when I started thinking, "Hmm... Maybe I should try donating my hair too!"


This is how much I've been growing my hair for approximately 27 months!
It finally has become long enough to be donated!!
(since the minimum donation length is 25 cm)

How did all of the hair-donating process go?
I'll show you.

1. I had my hair tied with a rubber band, and then the 25-cm of donate-able hair was cut off.

Oh god....... why is my hair becoming so short...?

Each strand of hair dropped on to the floor along with the tear-droplets from my eyes.

Oh My.....
This is waaayyyyy tooo short...

I'm going to have a really difficult time growing my hair out for the second donation.

 I took my 25-cm hair back home.

 2. My hair was then re-packaged within a zip-lock bag, along with all of the information required by the KACLC written on a post-it.

According to the KACLC website, I was supposed to have my name, my cellphone number, and my home address.
and then I was good to go!

3. I went to the nearest post office.

4. I filled out every information needed for sending the package. 

The address of the receiver was written as shown on the KACLC website.

 5. I assembled the box

6. I put my hair and the post-it inside the box. 

7. I sealed the box. 

 8. I got a waiting ticket, and patiently waited for my turn.

9. and Off Went My Hair.

Farewell, my long hair
I'm gonna miss you very very much!
Become a nice wig and make your new owner happy!

I've been too busy with school work and all of the extracurricular stuff ever since I came to college, so I haven't been able to do any volunteer work.
It was extremely fortunate of me to find a way to help other people without spending too much effort or time.

I sure hope,
No, I definitely will grow my hair out and donate it again!


  1. I am a hair donor currently living in South Korea. I am also blonde. Do you know if blonde hair is okay to donate in Korea?

  2. Can i donate and send anytime .
