'Ca'st. Hood' is a close friend of me and Woo Gonghyeon.
He is really into hip-hop, and actually does recordings from November to February (when he has more time).
So right now, it's the end of November, he started doing some music
and he found this.
"Born Hater Contest"
it is a hip-hop contest hosted by 'Epik High.'
so my friend is already making some recordings, and on top of that, he is a fan of Epik High.
Therefore, he decided to give this contest a shot.
he asked me if I can make a parody jacket art of the above "Born Hater Contest" poster, so I was like,
"You can count on me, buddy!"
...and made this.
I couldn't really replicate the style as exactly as it was done on the poster, but I still did the best I could with it.
I would've saved about 1 hour only if I didn't waste my time on searching for a font that I didn't have.
and he used my parody jacket art for the first and the last parts of his music video that he'd be submitting for the contest.
I wish the best of luck to my good friend, Ca'st. Hood.
and speaking of music videos,
I'll be shooting & editing the music video of Ca'st. Hood during the Christmas Break.
It's going to be pretty tough, because I'm more familiar with rock than I am with hip-hop.
but looking at his video above, he seem to have some knowledge of editing and cinematography,
so hopefully, it might turn out to be easier than I'm expecting.
Regardless, I am going to have to start watching some hip-hop music videos, so that I can make a really nice, low budget, DIY music video for my friend 'Ca'st. Hood' during the winter break.
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