Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rebirth Brass Band & Dumpstaphunk Concert in Chapel Hill

August 22nd, 2014.

After the first week of class,
my friends and I went to see the first Carolina Performing Arts concert of the 2014-2015 school year.

My last-year's roommate had, once again, persuaded us into going to see the CPA performances.
It wasn't as bad as it was last year, because he didn't ask us to go to "all" of the Carolina Performing Arts shows with him.

(But still, CPA shows are cheaper for UNC students, so might as well take advantage of it.)

Therefore, I'm going to see 5 Carolina Performing Arts shows for this school year.

and when my friends and I arrived at Memorial Hall...

This was what we saw.
I remember seeing a lot of people in front of the Memorial Hall on the night of Carolina Performing Arts performances,
but the tables...

the dumpling truck,

and the drink stand
aren't something that I saw for other performances.

Anyways, I retrieved my ticket from the ticket office, and headed inside.

Oh, goodness.
Has it been more than 6 months since the last time I was here?

Before the show began, this man (I don't remember exactly who he was) said something about that night being the very first Carolina Performing Arts show of the 2014-2015 year.
Maybe that's why everything seemed more casual.

And then, the show began.

Rebirth Brass Band from New Orleans!!

I'll say that this was
It truly was the kind of show that I would love.
Rebirth Brass Band is amazing!

and after their performance, it was intermission,

when people go to restroom, get some drink.
It's also the time when the staffs get busy, setting up for the next show.

and after the intermission, began the second act.

This band was called "Dumpstaphunk"
and was also from New Orleans.

Just as the name suggests, this band's music was primarily funk.

However, one of my friends and I were really tired, so we never got to watch the entire show of Dumpstaphunk.
Still, I loved this night's show!

Can't wait for the next 4 Carolina Performing Arts show!
(Not to mention Rise Against concert that's going to be held in Atlanta! :D)

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