Friday, August 29, 2014

UNC Fall Fest 2014

I was actually not going to post this. 
I already posted this before (only in my Korean blog) and moreover, I already have about 30 posts that I'm behind in...
But..... aaarrgh!!
I don't know. I just did.

Well, it's Fall Fest 2014 at UNC,
which always seems to be held two days before the classes start on the fall semester.
(I mean, what more do I need to say? some of you guys know this better than I do.)

Anyways, I went to the Fall Fest with two of my friends.

Here we had a UNC logo ice sculpture.

There was a Ben & Jerry's booth that gave out free ice cream.

There were a lot of students, and there were students, who were publicizing their student organizations/clubs.

That's the school newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel.

Here's Rameses the Ram
He never misses out any of the big events like this one.

Let's have a look at this area.

 There were academic clubs.

 Student activism organizations


There were also bunch of booths/trucks from food chains.
and yes, their food is also free in Fall Fest.

I personally think that the best part of Fall Fest is free food..

...and free goods!!
yes, If you do the trivias, games, or etc; you get free goods!

Oh by the way
this year's Fall Fest didn't feel as crowded as it did last year.

It's all because of relocating many of the booths on to the field, which I thought was a brilliant idea.

Time to have a look at what's on the field.

 But before that.
My two good friends recommended me to try this.

 I can't remember exactly, but I think they said something like "this is the taste of America" or something like that.
So much for sleeping early.

So, while I was experiencing the sugar rush, I looked around the booths that were located on the field.
There were primarily sports clubs, so they did a lot of mini sports games or demonstrations.

Then I met some friends I haven't seen over the summer

 said "Hi" to the STV folks

took some pictures of the stage and one of the performances

that was it.
I went back to my room past midnight.

I don't know
I have no comment.

there's this friend who showed the world(?) how to Fall Fest.
I... would never do that.. haha :D
(I'm not a big fan of getting a bunch of stuff that I'm never gonna use.)