Saturday, April 5, 2014

Bayside, Four Year Strong, Daylight, Mixtapes live at Cat's Cradle.

April 1st, 2014....
 It was a terrible day that I had to take a lab final exam, which, obviously, I didn't do well on.
Again, reminding me of the fact that I'm such a terrible test taker.

Well, that's that.
Since I wasn't feeling that well, it felt like a time for some rock music to make the day better!

 So I went to Cat's Cradle to see a concert.
All I needed to do was to keep on going westward on Franklin Street.

After several minutes of walking, I reached Carrboro and saw a place like this.

And, what do you know?
Here it is, Cat's Cradle.
(This is actually my first time seeing a concert at Cat's Cradle!)

This was that day's line up:
Four Year Strong
All of which play rock music that lies within the boundaries of punk and hardcore!!

and since this was a rock concert, I had to use my iphone4, and a 7 year-old point-and-shoot to take all of the pictures. (Because my DSLR, even though it's an entry-level one, is precious, and I don't want anything happening to it. :D)

Oh yeah, I don't know if it's always like this, but the front entrance was not being used.
So I had to follow the signs to the rear entrance.

 Ooh, this place sure looks larger than Chapel Hill Underground, where I went for a class assignment last time.

Cat's Cradle uses real, legit ticket like this one.
Which was kind of a new experience for me, because I've only been to concerts that are either too small and don't use anything like this, or that are too big and are held in a stadium or huge concert halls.

After I showed them my tickets and they scanned the barcode, I went inside.

My goodness...

This place was pretty big!
Let's have a look around first.

At the back, there is a work station for the sound engineer

 a bar, where you have to be older than 21 to drink,

and a merchandise shop.

At the front, there is a stage, and the standing area where people see the concert.

The first band already had their equipments set up.
Nice Minecraft drawing on that kick drum! :D

the concert began at 7 o'clock.

'Mixtapes' was the first band perform that night.

This band was a really playful one.
Sometimes in the middle of playing their songs, the guy on the far right teases the girl on the far left.
The words they spoke were pretty funny.

After Mixtapes' performance, staffs started setting up the stage for the second band.

Then, began the show of the second band on the lineup, Daylight.

Daylight's songs had a sound/timbre that was a bit heavier or darker than that of Mixtapes.

After Daylight's performance, I looked around Cat's Cradle and I saw this many people in the crowd!
When I first got here, I wasn't really expecting this place to get filled up like this.
Well, it turns out that it did.

This was about the time when my suitemate actually got to join me.
He told me he had been doing his homework beforehand because he wanted to go to sleep right after the show.
Well, at least he got to see the last two bands.

This time, the staffs were setting up the stage for the third band.

which is.....

Four Year Strong!
This was the band I was looking forward to, and was also the reason why I bought the ticket to this concert.

I first got to listen to Four Year Strong songs (I believe it was "The Infected" and "Stuck in the Middle") while I was watching one of the StarCraft leagues at home, back in 2011 or 2012.
The two songs were presented as background music and I really got to like them.
Luckily, I found an information about this concert when I was bored early in the spring semester.
and then.... I bought the tickets, and I talked my suitemate into coming here with me! :D haha

After the first 2 bands' performances, I was starting to think that people might just calmly listen through the entire concert, as they did for the first 2 bands.
But when these guys came out, people started going crazy!!! YAY!!!
There were people who were singing along, and there even was a mosh pit!!!

Mosh pit!! Oh, boy, was I glad to see you!

There were more people taking pictures and videos.

I personally take some videos too while moshing/head banging to capture the excitement of the concert.
However, something went terribly wrong with my iPhone4, and didn't record any of the sound at the concert...
All the videos I have right now are just silent footages with shaky camera... :'(

...and that was Four Year Strong's part of the concert.
 It's been a long time since I last moshed, and sang along to a few of the songs!


Finally, the staffs were setting up for the last set of the night.

The headliner(?) of that night's show was Bayside.

Like all of the other bands of the night, these guys were pretty punk too.
Even though I didn't get the chance to familiarize myself to their music, I was still able to notice that their guitar solos were fantastic!!

Since these guys were the headliners, I think there were many people in the crowd who came just to see Bayside.
Sing alongs were so intense that even though I was wearing earplugs, I could still hear them really well.
I've never imagined that I would ever mosh, sing along at a local live clubs like this.

The entire concert was over after Bayside's normal setlist and encore.

It was an amazingly exciting night.
Despite the fact that I subconsciously compare all of the concert I go to with last year's Summer Sonic,
I wasn't really expecting this much excitement from a concert that costs about $20.

Since my suitemate and I were hungry and thirsty after all of that,

We dropped by this place...

and grabbed a bite of Steak and Cheese Tacos as snack, and drank an entire bottle of water!
Post-concert water & snacks are always the best! :D

and then we dragged our tired and sore bodies back to our dorms.
What a night!
It sure helped me forget about the frustrations of a that lab final exam! :D